Monday, December 9, 2013

This is officially my last e-mail from Texas……that I know about.

Hey everybody!
Hope you're all having a very beautiful day! looking forward to seeing you all again! I'm excited to be a part of Christmas with everyone; however, I'm sad to be leaving all my Texas friends as well. I just don't know how to respond to all of this you know? There are a lot of emotions that are coming and going this week, and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have served a full time mission, because at the beginning of this adventure it didn't look like I was going to be able to serve in Texas. I am amazed every day by the tender mercies of the Lord. I don't really know what my divine destiny is, but I'm grateful that I've been able to walk this road all the way to the end. I am honored to be a part of the Lord's work, and an instrument in His hands. I would encourage all to be a part of it no matter where you are in life because the power it brings to your heart is a Balm of Gilead! I know that when the road seems rocky we can press on, because the work of the Lord need never cease! To be quite honest, I don't know where life is taking me after this week has concluded. However, I will trust in my God and He will guide me in a great many ways to the path He would have me take. I pray that I may be humble enough to accept His call wherever it takes me on my journey! Sorry, I got a little carried away there. I guess I should talk about our week.
This week flew by, just as this transfer has, we were on exchanges ALL week. Sis. Thompson was gone Tuesday, I was gone Wednesday, Sister Thompson again Thursday and Friday, and then Saturday we were finally all together again! It was crazy. Nobody knew what was going and we couldn't remember who had been there for what, it was a little hectic and great fun! ;-)Saturday was the ward Christmas party! It was a luau theme, all five of us sisters did a Samoan dance! It was AWESOME! I believe that it got posted on facebook and sent to Grandpa's account. I think....So, maybe look at that if you haven't seen it yet. And if you can't figure it out I can try and show you next week when I'm home. Anyway, it was tons of fun, I really enjoyed it. AND we had NINETEEN nonmembers there; along with Less Active - Inactive members that we haven't seen in a while! It was a miracle down here in Clear Lake 2. Our God is still a God of miracles! :-) We also had two investigators at church! I've really loved serving in this area and it's been an adventure to see the change in people as they start doing missionary work! The work is going to happen, we might as well be a part of it! :-) The Christmas Devotional was also very good, if you didn't get the chance to see that I would encourage you to watch it - or watch it again! 
Know that I love all of you and I'm very excited to be seeing all of you again soon! I look forward to all that is coming, because the future holds EVERYTHING! And that's what I'm going for! Thank you for all of your love, support, letters, kindness, and encouragement over these last 18 months! I truly and sincerely appreciate it. See you soon!
Sis. Christopherson

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wow! Can you believe it's DECEMBER?! 12/2/13

Hey Everyone!
I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to believe it's December! I could almost promise you that it was July a couple weeks ago! I don't know what has happened to these last 18 months. I'll actually hit my official 18 month mark on Grandma's birthday this Friday. It's a lot to look back on, and a lot to go through. I've come to the conclusion ending a chapter in you life is harder than expected sometimes. I don't really know how to resolve everything that has happened, and I hope that I can fulfill all Father's purposes for me out here in the time I have left. Wrap up any loose ends I guess. I'm just not really sure how I'll know if I've done it or not, I suppose He'll let me know sooner or later.
Don't worry, I'm looking forward to coming home, but this whole experience is bitter-sweet. I don't really want my mission to end either. Whatever happens the Lord is in it. He'll take care of me.
Anyway, we had a good Thanksgiving. We went to three appointments, (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and wow was I full. I still don't eat that much guys, and man, three full course feasts was a little much for me. But we enjoyed spending time with the members, visiting people with them, and hanging up Christmas decorations for service projects! ;-) 

We also took a picture in front of a tree. So, just to get everyone in the holiday mood, Merry Christmas!!! ;-)
Know that I love you all very much and I hope you have a wonderful week! I'll talk to you soon and maybe I'll remember the stories I wanted to tell you next week! ;-) Love you!

Sis. Chris.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Another week, come and gone?

Hey everyone! How is everybody doing? Hope all is well where ever  life has found you these days! I'm just chillin' here in Texas, quite literally! :-) It's been very rainy recently and it's been getting a lot colder. Tender mercy from the Lord preparing me to come back to SNOW!!! ;-) Oh, yeah - I'm excited for all that! It's been nice to have the colder weather for sure, next week it will probably move back up into the 80's or so. At least that's what I was told the weather predictors said. 
I can't believe that Thanksgiving is this week! I hope you all do something really exciting! I encourage you to do something nice, and let someone know that you are grateful for them and why. We often think of all the things that have made a difference in our lives, but we rarely remember to thank those who played a part. And most of all, naturally, thank Father for all He has done and continues to do for all of us. We are certainly all beggars and He has shown us great mercy! Truly grateful for that. We can all give thanks more sincerely and more frequently than we do. Ingratitude is an unfortunate epidemic that can cause us to forget where we really came from, and how we really got here. It can cause us to forsake blessings that God would have willingly gave if our hearts would've remained focused in gratitude upon Him. Or at least that is how I feel.
So, this week I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting, I suppose in preparation for my homecoming talk :-), and I really wanted to share my testimony of Christ and His Atonement. I studied a couple of talks, and I prayed a whole lot! I can't say that it was a master piece in itself, however, God is good! I stood up to give my talk, and I kept praying that I would be able to bring the Spirit unto the hearts in the meeting and that they would be able to feel God's love for them. I gave my poorly organized address and sat back down. There was a great peace in the room. After the meeting quite a few people came and expressed that they really enjoyed my talk. I want to testify that the Spirit that was felt or any difference that I made was by the grace of God alone. He does answer prayers, that's for sure. It was a really humbling experience, I felt simply inadequate of all those marvelously generous compliments. I am constantly amazed at what the Lord does with my feeble attempts at performing His work. I promise, it was definitely a 5 loaves and 2 fishes kind of experience. I was not nearly prepared for that talk as all those compliments deserved. I guess the point of me sharing this story is to express a simple example of how His grace is more than sufficient. He really can take our meager offering, and turn it into the work and glory of God! It's amazing!
I want you to know that I love you very much and I hope that you have a most wonderful week! Do all that you can to be thankful and love one another! Know that my love is with you!

Sis. Chris.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Have you heard?!

Hey everybody!
This is going to be a short e-mail this week. But I want you to know that I love you! I've had a pretty good week! I can't believe another week has gone by! We were over at the Bishop's house last night, and he said, "I called President Ashton to tell him that he couldn't transfer you (my companion) and that you need an extension! (pointing to me)" So, you might have to fight with a Bishop to get me home before Christmas! ;-) We had Zone Conference this week with President Ashton, it was an awesome experience! We went over 5 trainings that are going to help us become more effective instruments in the hand of the Lord! He also talked about all that we can do, and how the Savior gives us what we need and more! I'll have to talk to you more in depth about it next month, because it was really cool. Also, there was a super funny story from this week about a man named ----. It's a good one....remind me to tell you about that one later too, okay?!
I hope that all is well and all of you have been able to feel of my love for you! I hope you have a wonderful week, and that your dreams become a little more your reality! Miracles happen! I promise! 
OH! And guess what? I found out that after I left Seabrook a man named ---- that I was teaching, he got married and baptized! And then this last Friday, I found out on too short of notice so I couldn't go, but another family that I taught five of them got baptized! Isn't that so amazing! I mean, I wish I could have been a part of it, but it's still exciting to know that those people that I prayed so hard for have come unto Jesus! I just want you to know that miracles happen! I wonder what has happened in my other areas since I've left? Maybe I had a more profound effect than I thought?! Or maybe it had nothing to do with me at all, who knows? :-)
Anyway, love you!

Sis. Christopherson

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Dawn is Breaking

Hello Everyone!
Hope you all had a wonderful week! And that you've been able to see much awesomeness! I know you've been pretty blessed because I got some pictures of some beautiful, white fluffy-stuff!!!! Yeah, don't worry, I'm excited for all that. However, I'm hoping that it is all safely on the ground before I fly in, just so travel and everything goes well....or else maybe I'll have to just stay here in TEXAS?! Which I'm sure we're all for, right?! :-) Haha!
Anyway, I've been really enjoying Clear Lake, our Bishop is REALLY motivated to do missionary work, and it's taking a hold of the members! It's exciting to see! The ward members are all really cool, and very musically talented! It's been awesome! We actually sung in the choir on Sunday, that was fun! I'm still getting to know that area, members, and investigators; but I think it's going really well! I truly hope I can make a difference before I come home...I don't really have a whole lot of time to get it all figured out. However, I'm going to give it my best! Fight the good fight to the end, or as Beanie puts it, "Finish running faster than you started!", or any other really cool quote.
Something kind of fun, we teach early morning seminary! Woot, woot! I thought that was a really interesting experience. Those kids were definitely not awake! Also, they had had a late night because of a movie night for mutual. Although, I think there are some that really got a lot out of it! Hopefully! :-)
We're having a zone conference this week with President. I'll try and tell you about it next week. Any other questions or anything you want to know about feel free to ask!
Thanks again, for all your love and support! I invoke the blessing of heaven upon you as best I can! May you see God's hand in your life this week, and know more surely that He knows you, and your struggles! I want you to know that with a surety that comes from the core of my entire soul and with power from heaven, I know that Father lives! I know that Jesus is the Christ! I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and Pres. Thomas S. Monson righteously guides us today. 
I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and it holds safety for our soul, and answers to life's toughest questions! I know that truth is truth, and you can't change it! Commandments are there to make us happy, and to help us become like Father. We are strengthened and empowered through our trials, as we gain knowledge and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's never too late to know them better, and there is never a time in this life when we know them enough! I pray that you may know with a sure knowledge that at least I know, nothing wavering, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church once again established on the earth today! That God loves us! He wants the best for us, and He wants us to come home! Please do something this week that will help you know or share God's love just a little bit more. Because it's there, it's always there, and I pray we can all understand it better! Please, be willing to believe that He loves you!

Sis. Christopherson

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

All the things that happen in a moment..... crazy. 11/4/13

Hey everyone!
Hope you all had a and will have a most wonderful week! This last week has been a little out of the ordinary, that's for sure. In summary, I was part of what is called an emergency transfer. So basically, with short or sudden notice you are told to pack up all of your things and meet somebody at a certain place in a couple of hours and you get new companions. Really, you have no idea what is going on, it's a little crazy. So, to be honest I don't remember much of what happened earlier this week. I've been so overwhelmed with just the weekend. Nevertheless, it looks like I'm staying in the area that I got transferred to for my last transfer. So, I can give you the address this week instead of next week! Yay! So here it is:

Sis. Angell Christopherson
5025 FM 2351 Rd. #305
Friendswood, TX 77546

So, I'm now serving in the Clear Lake 2nd Ward with companions Sis. ---- and Sis. ----. They are super wonderful, for sure! I really love them! It's been really fun to be with them the last few days, and I'm happy to be staying with them. It's actually kind of cool, I took Doctrine and Covenants from Sis. ----'s dad at Cedar City Institute. It was a little thing that helped me know that Father still knew who I was even though I've been having such a hard time these last few weeks. It was a beautifully simple tender mercy. I'll have to send you pictures next week, and share more stories as our stories continue to unfold!

I want you to know that I know that the gospel is true, come what may, I believe in Christ and in His promises! I'm not sure the lesson that I need to learn from all that has happened but I'm confident that I'll figure it out with the help of the Spirit! I know that we can receive great and profound comfort as we read the scriptures and take time to be still and listen for the voice of the Lord. I know that trials come whether we are keeping the commandments or not, but when we're doing our best to stand by God He will always stand by us; When the path is smooth, and when it gets thorny! I pray that I will have the strength to fight the good fight and finish my course.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support, I truly appreciate all that you have done for me. Even the little things have had added great strength to my spirit! So, thank you. I'll be forever indebted to you for the love you have shown me. May God be with you, watch over you, and bless you throughout this week I pray with all my love. 

Sis. Chris.

Post Script:
I remembered something that I wanted to tell you about this week! For Halloween we had to come in by seven o'clock unless we had scheduled appointments. Well, we went and did service at the Ronald McDonald House until nine o'clock! It was really cool. We went and played games and did fun activities with the children and their families! It was such an interesting experience. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to do it! The Ronald McDonald House is a place for children with cancer and their families to stay when they are coming down for treatments and things. It's a really cool set up, and they try and make it feel as much like a home as possible. It's pretty amazing all that they do there for those kids and their families.

Life happens... isn't that great? :-) 10/28/13

Hello family!
I am pleased to announce that nothing super out of the ordinary happened this week. YAY! We taught lessons, we went on exchanges, we did service, and we went to a Rockets game! ;-) All that fun stuff. We have been doing are best to just keep working. And I realized that I haven't sent pictures in a while so I wanted to send some of those.
Sis. ---- and I standing outside the Toyota Center, which is where Houston's NBLA team plays, the Rockets.
I don't know how allowed this is, and it's a little blurry, but I took a picture of the players on the court. So, there you go.
This is the Elders. Elders ---- (Mulan) and ---- (Mushu), we were at a service project for a family night. I couldn't resist, and I got a picture of them too! Haha! 
This is us. Sis. ---- (Mulan) and Me (Mushu). Yup, I'm that cool! ;-) 
I want you all to know that I love you with all my heart, and I'm so grateful that you've been placed in my life. I can't tell you how intricate the design really is when paths cross in mortality, especially if they'll be bonded for eternity! I'm so grateful that you are part of my family! I declare it, so you are! :-)
I hope you all have a wonderful week! We have a lot to do today and we're running late, so, sorry the e-mail is short. Ask me questions and I'll answer them next week!
Thanks for all your love and support! You're more than the best to me! You're a miracle!
Sis. Chris.